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The Revolution Will Be Televised 

Tune into Transit Gig events and be part of a revolution! Don't miss out on networking opportunities, industry insights, and the chance to shape the future of transit. Reserve your spot now and let's drive change together!

Hero Smp47 (1)
Who Are You Talking To?

"My debut startup didn't just attract 272 drivers - it was a magnet for talent, all thanks to our slick advertising game. Dive into the story behind building that startup and Transit Gigs, where we've transformed into sleek recruiting machines, adept at luring and converting top-notch bus drivers."

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  • Youtube, Zoom and LinkedIn Live
  • March 28th 2024
  • 1:30pm- 2:30pm est
Leverage LinkedIn

"LinkedIn is a powerhouse in recruiting...except when it comes to drivers. Why? Because, let's be real, most drivers aren't hanging out there. But guess what? That's all about to shift after our game-changing webinar! Get ready to revolutionize your operator's careers with our exclusive workshop on unleashing the untapped potential of LinkedIn."

Register Now

  • TBD
  • April 20th 2024
  • 1:30pm-3:30pm