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4 Biblical Principals To Increase Bus Operator Productivity

In the vast majority of industries, the concept of productivity is rarely associated with The Bible, particularly in transportation. While many have been taught or persuaded to perceive the bible solely as a spiritual text, I have come to discover that it possesses a wealth of practical wisdom that is often overlooked. It encompasses everything essential for a fulfilling life, including knowledge on how to maximize our careers.

Did you know that Jesus accomplished more than any other person in history? According to John 21:25, Jesus performed countless other miracles and acts of kindness that were not even recorded. If every single one of them were written down, John stated that the entire world would not be able to contain the books that would be filled.

While I don't promise that reading this article will turn you into a miracle worker capable of feeding thousands with a handful of bread, I do believe that the Bible holds invaluable knowledge and proven strategies shared by the creator of the universe.

God has provided guidance and wisdom on various topics, so it's only logical to believe that He would also offer insights for your career. With that in mind, let's lean into 4 Biblical principles that can significantly enhance the productivity of your transit operation.


Take A Chill Pill, Bible Style

Wouldn't it be amusing to kick off an article on productivity by revealing that the key to being productive is actually not being productive? As human beings, we have come to understand that specific actions like lying and murder are Biblically wrong. They were a part of the 10 commandments and even if you aren't a bible thumper like me, most have come to accept them as morally wrong. 

Got me?

By the way, this is one of my favorite aspects to discuss with my clients because I've already gained their agreement on the importance of the Commandments. This allows me to smoothly transition into the fact that resting is also included in those commandments. The younger generation might refer to this as the art of "keeping that same energy."

While many are familiar with the commandment to "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy," it is important to note that this is not the entirety of the commandment. 

Exodus 20; 8-11 says this: 

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

In short, God is reminding us that if He, as the Creator of the universe, found it necessary to take a day of rest, then it is equally important for us to do the same. And while you're at it, extend that rest to your staff as well.

But wait! There's more! (I always wanted to say that out loud) Without turning this into a full-on bible study, God tells them to let the land rest too. Farmers and agricultural specialists use this principle to this day.

Now, I must be honest with you, this commandment can be pretty challenging for many to accept because we often find ourselves constantly playing catch-up and feeling like there is always something more to be done. So we often find ourselves making exceptions, sending emails here, driving buses there, and so on. However, it's crucial to bear in mind that this contradicts the teachings of the Bible.

Rest was deemed crucial right from the beginning, as it was introduced in the book of Genesis, where God indicated its significance by placing it on the very first page. 

With that foundation in place, here is what all of that means practically.

If it involves generating income or is connected to your financial goals in any way, take a break from it for a day to rest. This is the epitome of biblical rest. Even though I do not sell my blogs directly, the intent is there, so I do not even write on my Sabbath. For you, this may be emails, driving routes, or even Slack messaging.  You are well aware of the tasks that constitute work for you. It is essential to be transparent with yourself and God, as He already knows the truth. Do not make any exceptions and make sure to take genuine days of rest without taking any shortcuts.

There is still a ton of biblical wisdom on this topic, but I don't want this blog post to become a book. Subscribe to my newsletter or YouTube for the continuation of this particular conversation.


Find David

We are all familiar with the tale of David and Goliath. Culturally, we have used this story to inspire and motivate individuals, encouraging them to believe that they can overcome any challenge. However, let me share with you the true essence of this narrative, one that goes beyond society's interpretation.

First off, David was a shepherd, which was considered one of the lowest jobs in the kingdom. However, in his role, he often defended the flock from bears and lions, showcasing his exceptional skills and bravery prior to Goliath. In retrospect, it becomes evident that David was probably the perfect fit for this task. Moreover, David had the Almighty God on his side. This raises the question: Was he truly the underdog? 

David would go on to serve King Saul as an advisor, warrior, and musician before ascending to King.

Throughout the entire Bible, we witness God's children serving as spiritual advisors to government officials, business owners, and Kings and achieving great success. In many cases, the leaders sought guidance from their spiritual advisors before making important decisions. However, in today's world, we often prioritize data, metrics, and numerical concepts that align with our own biases. While these tools have their place, it's important not to overlook the unique insights and spiritual gifts that the Children of God possess. These gifts cannot be captured by data alone and may hold the key to success in areas beyond what we can see and measure.

Have you heard the story of Daniel in the lions' den?  Fun fact: Daniel wasn't just a faithful servant; he was also a spiritual advisor to the king. Similarly, let's not forget about Joseph, who served as an advisor to Pharaoh and played a pivotal role in Egypt's economic boom. These examples from biblical history demonstrate the incredible impact and wisdom that spiritual advisors can bring to positions of power. The stories go on and on, showcasing the unique insights and gifts that the Children of God possess, which can often surpass what data and metrics alone can capture.

Discover your own David, someone who possesses the remarkable gifts of discernment, knowledge, and wisdom, and tap into those qualities to enhance your decision-making abilities.



Create Disciples 


Many leaders in various industries, including transportation, have expressed their desire to clone themselves in order to increase productivity. While it is impossible to replicate someone like Jesus, it is interesting to note that at the start of his ministry, he effectively created disciples who executed God's work.

Here is how he did it: He found fits and told them to follow him. That was it.  He didn't simply give them instructions on how to perform their tasks. Instead, he invited them to follow him and spent three years guiding them through practical experiences. Please note that I am not suggesting that your team, operators, or management should not receive guidance. What I am emphasizing is that our industry often focuses more on giving orders rather than inspiring influence.

Here's my motto,  "Authority causes people to follow you because you told them to, but influence causes people to follow you because they want to." It's a thought-provoking statement that holds immense value in the realm of leadership. Jesus was almighty God. He could have done what he wanted, when he wanted, and would have been perfectly justified.  But he served, and redirected when necessary, even affirming his love when the disciples may have made mistakes.

He embodied the roles of both servant and teacher, demonstrating the path, providing clear explanations, and carrying out tasks with precision. Unfortunately, our industry has become so authoritarian that exceptional leaders who possess influence often struggle to rise. The presence of poor policies and procedures stifles the individual uniqueness of operators and other staff members.

In our relentless pursuit to control every aspect, we have inadvertently overlooked the most vital element of leadership—building relationships. 

Can I mess with your mind a bit? Jesus didn't just show his disciples the way in regards to his ministry, he showed them the way in theirs. One of my favorite scriptures is Luke 6, where Jesus tells Peter to cast his net to the other side!

(This should be every entrepreneur's favorite scripture and something we all should be praying for😅)

Consider, Peter wasn't preaching at the moment, or teaching. He wasn't doing active "church stuff"

He was at work, fishing with no result,  and, Jesus nonchalantly approaches him and casually says, "You're aiming in the wrong spot."

As a leader, you possess the unique ability to guide your team toward their targets by leveraging your strong relationships, extensive wisdom, and valuable experience. You have the insight to direct them to the right spot to cast their nets, just like Jesus did when he told Peter to aim in a different direction. Your role as a leader goes beyond just giving instructions; it involves inspiring influence and facilitating growth.

One of my favorite people to talk to is Matt Taylor, Vice President of Ecolane.

Matt was a bus driver right out of college.

I was a bus driver right out of college.

Matt currently runs an operation that helps transform transit.

My dream is to run an operation that helps transform transit.

Matt currently has relationships with a lot of transit agencies worldwide.

I aspire to have relationships with transit agencies worldwide. 

Can you see the direction I'm headed with this? Although Matt holds the title of my boss at Ecolane, he is my teacher practically. This is the essence of discipleship.

I never attended any formal corporate training on building relationships with transit agencies. Instead, I observed Matt taking people out to dinner and genuinely caring about their families. He's guiding me towards the right path, showing me where to cast my net for my own goals and aspirations and, helped me to connect the dots in how Ecolane helps me to fish better.  

Establish mentoring and discipleship initiatives within your Bus Depots to foster growth and development. Facilitate connections between operators and individuals who can assist them in advancing their own goals, ultimately leading to mutual benefits. As my buddy Ryan Craig of Adams Brown Mobility in Georgetown, Ohio aptly puts it, "A rising tide, raises all ships"  

Guide and mentor your direct team, empowering them to fulfill the mission by leading by example and encouraging them to do the same. The Apostle Paul laid the foundation for this concept when he said, "Follow my lead, as I follow the example of Christ."


Don't Serve Money

In my countless interactions, I have emphasized time and time again that serving money will never bring true joy, as it constantly ties our happiness to material items. The Bible itself warns against the dangers of greed, recognizing it as a driving force behind our insatiable need for productivity in today's culture. King Solomon, who possessed unparalleled riches, dedicated an entire book in the Bible to highlight the futility of materialistic pursuits. It is a powerful reminder that true fulfillment cannot be found in the pursuit of wealth alone. One of my favorite scriptures in that book is  “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless”

Greed is insatiable, always craving for "More," and its objectives are immeasurable and perpetually elusive. As one succumbs to the allure of greed to fuel their ambitions, the satisfaction derived from the goals they strive for diminishes. Gradually, all other aspirations are compelled to serve the relentless accumulation of greed's desires.

Jesus directly puts it like this 

“No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 

The Bible cautions us about the dangers of being consumed by the love of money, as it can lead to various forms of evil. It is a sobering reminder that some individuals, driven by their insatiable desire for wealth, can veer away from what is good and bring numerous problems upon themselves. The fact that the Bible describes the love of money as "the root of all kinds of evil" is genuinely alarming.

However, this does not mean that striving for profit is inherently wrong. What I want to emphasize is that if your pursuit of profit comes at the cost of losing your team, negatively impacting lives, engaging in deceitful practices, running yourself dry and ultimately failing to uphold integrity in managing God's creation including yourself, then it may not be worth it. Empower your operators with the knowledge of effective financial stewardship, so they can avoid burning themselves out with excessive overtime. Educate your teams about the distinction between genuine needs and insatiable greed. Remind everyone that our purpose on this earth is to support and uplift one another, for it is through making a positive impact that we truly measure success. Money, in itself, is merely a byproduct of our efforts.

Furthermore, based on biblical teachings, genuine joy, happiness, and peace are found in contentment.



In Conclusion

In essence, the purpose of this article was not to offer tips on increasing sales, maximizing overtime, or boosting the bottom line. Instead, it aimed to provide valuable guidance and shed light on practical methods to break free from the relentless grind culture that seems to have a stranglehold on America. It's intriguing to consider that in today's society, everything revolves around productivity and income. However, if we go back to the book of Genesis, we can discern that God's original intention for mankind was to live in abundance, blessed, and at ease. Those early chapters of Genesis depict a scenario where Adam tended to the vegetation and named the animals, but he certainly didn't work himself to the bone or compromise his relationship with Eve by putting in excessive hours.

Regrettably, as a society, we have burdened our drivers, management, and employees with the weight of following cultural norms in an attempt to find security. What we fail to comprehend is that true security comes from God, as promised in Matthew 6:26. If you truly desire to elevate your company to new heights, regardless of what that may entail, the answer might lie in doing less but doing it more effectively. God's way.

Once your purchase is complete, we will begin constructing your personalized account dashboard. Rest assured, this process will only take a few hours. Additionally, upon payment, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will accompany you every step of the way, providing guidance, support, and serving as your direct point of contact throughout the entire process.

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